The term ‘chemical peel’ may sound intimidating for those who are used to traditional facials.  ‘What is the chemical that’s being used’?  and ‘What exactly is it peeling’?  A Skin Peel can tackle a number of skin concerns and provide glowing, radiant skin.

There are several different types of chemical skin peels that address skin concerns, such as fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots, dry skin, acne and pigmentation.    Skin peels remove dead skin cells in order to allow newer skin to regenerate itself, essentially, it is a form of exfoliation.

Types of Skin Peels

ALPHA HYDROXY ACIDS (AHAs).  AHAs are a group of mild acids most often derived from fruit, sugarcane and milk.  AHA peels promote increased epidermal exfoliation and are best for people who want to improve skin tone and reduce appearance of fine lines, acne scars and other dark marks.  The most common AHAs are lactic, tartaric, malic and glycolic acids.  These acids exfoliate dead skin cells to reveal a fresher, brighter, younger looking complexion.  Often called a ‘lunchtime peel’, AHA peels are popular because they cause minimal irritation and require no downtime.  Suitable for even the most sensitive skins.

BETA HYDROXY ACID (BHA) Also known a Salicylic Acid treats the same skin conditions as AHAs, however it penetrates the epidermis more deeply than AHA peels.  Salicylic acid can be used to treat conditions, such as excessive oiliness, clogged pores, brown spots, hormonal marks and other skin discolouration and visibly restore clarity to the complexion.  It is important to note that Salicylic acid has properties similar to aspirin, it should not be used on people with aspirin allergies.

JESSNER PEELS are stronger than BHAs, this skin peel is great for treating oily skin, acne, fine lines, pigment irregularities, including melasma.  Still considered a light skin peel (unless multiple layers are  applied, in which case it is a deep skin peel).  Jessner Peel combines Salicylic acid, Resorcinol and Lactic Acid.  This skin peel removes dead skin through a period of 6 to 10 days.

Chemical Peels have been helping people get beautiful skin since the times of ancient Egypt and Rome.  Ancient Egyptian women used sour milk (a source of lactic acid) to rejuvenate skin,  while women in Rome exfoliated with grape skins (a source of tartaric acid).

Most light to medium skin peels require at least six treatments over a 3-6 month period to see optimal results.

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